Ivanova, Maria. Environmental Diplomacy and Governance Handbook. Edward Elgar Publishing. (This Handbook is under contract from Edward Elgar Publishing and currently under development.)
Ivanova, Maria (2021). The Untold Story of the World’s Leading Environmental Institution: UNEP at Fifty. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova, Eds. (2002). Global Environmental Governance: Options & Opportunities. New Haven, CT, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
Journal Articles
Ivanova, Maria. “50 Jahre globaler Umweltschutz,” [“50 Years of Global Environmental Protection”] VEREINTE NATIONEN - German Review on the United Nations, 3/2022. DOI 10.35998/vn-2022-0014.
Ivanova, Maria, and Sharachchandra Lele (2022). “Fifty Years after UN Environment Summit, Researchers Renew Call for Action.” Nature 606, no. 7912: 30–30. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-022-01511-7.
Wood, Sylvia L. R., Amy Luers, Jennifer Garard, Ajay Gambhir, Kalpana Chaudhari, Maria Ivanova, and Casey Cronin. “Collective Foresight and Intelligence for Sustainability.” Global Sustainability 4 (2021): e3. DOI:10.1017/sus.2021.3.
Ivanova, Maria (2021). "At 50, the UN Environment Programme must lead again." Nature 590: 365. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-021-00393-5
Ivanova, Maria (2021). "Connecting human and planetary health: interview with Christiana Figueres." Globalizations DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2020.1866391
Ivanova, Maria, Stephanie Reed, and Daniel Zaleznik (2020). "Global Leadership on Climate-Linked Human Insecurity: Learning from Pacific Island States." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs .
Ivanova, Maria. (2020). "Fighting Fire with a Thermometer? Environmental Efforts of the United Nations." Ethics & International Affairs, 34 (3), 339–349. Cambridge University Press. DOI:10.1017/S0892679420000404
Escobar-Pemberthy, Natalia; Maria Ivanova (2020). "Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Rationale and Design of the Environmental Conventions Index." Sustainability 12, no. 17: 7098. DOI:10.3390/su12177098
Ivanova, Maria (2020). “Coloring the UN Environmental: The Catalytic Role of the UN Environment Programme,” Global Governance 26 (2): 307-324.
Ivanova, Maria (2020). “Science-Policy-Society Nexus” Bridging the Science-Policy Divide. One Earth 2 (4) DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2020.04.006
Ivanova, Maria (2020). “Everyone, everywhere: the global challenge of climate change” Nature 579: 488-489. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-020-00834-7
Garschagen, Matthias, Sylvia Wood, Jennifer Garard, Maria Ivanova, and Amy Luers (2020). “Too big to ignore: Global risk perception gaps between scientists and business-leaders” Earth’s Future, AGU journal. DOI: 10.1029/2020EF001498.
Ivanova, Maria (2020). Guest editor of special issue on “Global Environmental Policy and Governance in Sustainability” for Sustainability journal.
Denney, J.Michael, Paul M. Case, Alexander Metzger, Maria Ivanova, and Araya Asfaw (2018). “Power in participatory processes: reflections from multi-stakeholder workshops in the Horn of Africa.” Sustainability Science (13): 879-893. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0533-x
Ivanova, Maria (2016). “Good COP, Bad COP: Climate Change: Climate Reality after Paris.” Global Policy 7(3): 411-419. September 2016. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12370.
Ivanova, Maria (2013). "Reforming the Institutional Framework for Environment and Sustainable Development: Rio+20’s Subtle but Significant Impact." International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development 12(3): 211-231. DOI: 10.1386/tmsd.12.3.211_1
Ivanova, Maria (2013). "The Contested Legacy of Rio+20." Global Environmental Politics 13(4): 1-11.
Ivanova, Maria (2012). "Institutional design and UNEP reform: historical insights on form, function and financing." International Affairs 88(3): 565-584. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2012.01089.x
Ivanova, Maria (2010). "UNEP in Global Environmental Governance: Design, Leadership, Location." Global Environmental Politics 10(1): 30-59. DOI: 10.1162/glep.2010.10.1.30
Ivanova, Maria (2009). "O PNUMA e a Governança Ambiental Global." Cardernos Adenauer 9(3): 159-180.
Ivanova, Maria and Daniel Esty (2008). "Reclaiming U.S. Leadership in Global Environmental Governance." SAIS Review of International Affairs 28(2): 57-75.
Ivanova, Maria, David Gordon and Jennifer Roy (2007). "Towards Institutional Symbiosis: Business and the United Nations in Environmental Governance." Review of European Community and International Environmental Law RECIEL16(2): 123-134.
Ivanova, Maria (2007). "Designing the United Nations Environment Programme: A Story of Compromise and Confrontation." International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 7(3): 337-361. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-007-9052-4
Book Chapters
Brown Goodall, Melissa and Maria Ivanova (2022). “Making the Case for the Knowledge Sector,” in preparation for Ed. Wendy Purcell, Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education: An Agenda for Transformational Change Bloomsbury Press.
Ivanova, Maria (2022). “United Nations Environment Programme,” Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Eds. Deborah C. Poff and Alex Michalos. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23514-1_1115-1
Ivanova, Maria, Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy, Anna Dubrova and Candace Famiglietti (2021). “Implementation of International Environmental Law.” Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics. Eds. Jeannie Sowers, Stacy D. VanDeveer, and Erika Weinthal. Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press.
Ivanova, Maria and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2021). “Biodiversity: Protecting the planetary web of life.” Global Governance Futures. Eds. Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson. New York, Routledge.
Ivanova, Maria (2020). “Environment and Development in the UN”, in Stephen Browne and Thomas G. Weiss, eds., Routledge Handbook on the UN in Development, (New York: Routledge).
Escobar-Pemberthy, Natalia and Maria Ivanova (currently under review). “Implementing SDG15: Integrating global environmental conventions to protect life on land” Sustainable Development Goals: Implementing the 2030 agenda for global transformation. Eds. Reddy, Maharah Vijay, Natarajan Ishwaran, Arab Hoballah and Srikantha Herath.
Ivanova, Maria (2018). “Climate Change” Oxford Handbook on the United Nations. Eds. Daws, Sam and Thomas G. Weiss. Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press.
Ivanova, Maria and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2017). “Global environmental governance in the Anthropocene: Setting and achieving global goals.” Environmental Governance and Law in the Anthropocene. Ed. Kotzé, Louis J. Oxford (UK), Hart Publishing.
Ivanova, Maria and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2017). “The UN, Global Governance and the SDGs” Handbook on the Resource Nexus. Eds. Bleischwitz, Raimund et al. New York, Routledge / Earthscan.
Ivanova, Maria (2017). “Policy” Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology. Ed. Willis Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim. London and New York, Routledge / Earthscan.
Ivanova, Maria (2017). “Politics, Economics, and Society” The Paris Agreement on Climate Change Analysis and Commentary. Eds. Klein, Danie et al. Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press.
Escobar-Pemberthy, Natalia, Maria Ivanova, and Gabriela Bueno (2017) “The International Chemicals Regime: Protecting Health and the Environment” Green Chemistry: An Inclusive Approach. Eds. and Török, Bela and Timothy Dransfield. Oxford (UK), Elsevier.
Ivanova, Maria (2016). “An Engaged Scholarship Narrative,” Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene. S. Nicholson and S. Jinnah (Eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Ivanova, Maria (2015). "Teaching Global Environmental Governance." Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Politics and Governance. Eds. Pattberg, Philipp and Fariborz Zelli, Edward Elgar Publishers.
Ivanova, Maria and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2015). “The Quest for Sustainable Development Goals: A Critical Look Forward.” Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals: A Critical Look Forward. Eds. Cimadamore, Alberto D., Gabriele Koehler and Thomas Pogge. London, Zed Books Ltd.
Ivanova, Maria and Gabriela Bueno (2015). “UN at 70 and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunities Towards Sustainable Development.” In UN at 70: Contributions, Challenges and Perspectives. Orgs. Jubilut, Liliana L., Larissa Ramina, João Carlos Jarochinski Silva. Roraima: Universidade Federal de Roraima.
Ivanova, Maria and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2015). "Millennium Development Goals." Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. Eds. Dubnick, Melvin and Domonic Bearfield, Taylor & Francis.
Ivanova, Maria (2014). "Assessing the outcomes of Rio+20." State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability. Washington DC, Worldwatch Institute: 138-151.
Ivanova, Maria (2012). "A New Global Architecture for Sustainability Governance." State of the World 2012: Moving toward sustainable prosperity. Washington DC, Worldwatch Institute: 104-117.
Ivanova, Maria and Daniel Esty (2012). "Globalization and Environmental Stewardship: A Global Governance Perspective." A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy: Interventions of National Government in a Global Arena. Eds. Wijen, Frank, Kees Zoeteman and Jan Pieters. 2nd ed. Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishers: 549-580.
Ivanova, Maria (2012). "A New Global Architecture for Sustainability Governance." State of the World 2012: Moving toward sustainable prosperity. Washington DC, Worldwatch Institute: 104-117.
Ivanova, Maria and Melissa Goodall (2012). "Global Environmental Outlook (GEO): an Integrated Environmental Assessment." The Encyclopedia of Sustainability: Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability. Berkshire Publishing Group.
Ivanova, Maria, Grace Heusner and Brett Philips (2009). "The World Energy Council." Handbook on Transnational Economic Organizations. Ed. Brouder, Alan. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: 1009-1019.
Ivanova, Maria (2009). "UNEP as Anchor Organization for the Global Environment." International Organizations in Global Environmental Governance. Eds. Biermann, Frank, Bernd Siebenhüner and Anna Schreyögg. New York, Routledge: 151-173.
Bernstein, Steven and Maria Ivanova (2007). "Institutional Fragmentation and Normative Compromise in Global Environmental Governance: What prospects for Re-Embedding?" Global Liberalism and Political Order: Toward a New Grand Compromise? Eds. Bernstein, Steven and Louis W. Pauly. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press:161-179.
Ivanova, Maria and Jennifer Roy (2007). "The Architecture of Global Environmental Governance: Pros and Cons of Multiplicity." Global Environmental Governance: Perspectives on the Current Debate. Eds. Swart, Lydia and Estelle Perry. New York, Center for UN Reform Education: 48-66.
Ivanova, Maria (2007). "Moving Forward by Looking Back: Learning from UNEP's History." Global Environmental Governance: Perspectives on the Current Debate. Eds. Swart, Lydia and Estelle Perry. New York, Center for UN Reform Education: 26-47.
Ivanova, Maria (2007). "Responsibility to Protect: the Foundations of Global Environmental Governance." Reinventing the United Nations. Eds. Banerjee, Ajit and Kamalesh Sharma. Prentice Hall: 141-170.
Ivanova, Maria (2006). "Assessing the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)." Meeting Global Challenges: International Cooperation in the National Interest, Vol. 2 Global Commons. Ed. International Task Force on Global Public Goods Secretariat. Stockholm, Sweden. 2: 117-158.
Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova (2005). "Globalization and Environmental Protection: A Global Governance Perspective." A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy: Interventions of National Government in a Global Arena. Eds. Wijen, Frank, Kees Zoeteman and Jan Pieters. 1st ed. Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishers:627-651.
Ivanova, Maria (2005). "Environment: The Path of Global Environmental Governance – Form and Function in Historical Perspective." Governance for Sustainable Development: A Foundation for the Future. Eds. Ayre, Georgina and Rosalie Callway. London, Earthscan: 45-72.
Benner, Thorsten, Maria Ivanova, Charlotte Streck and Jan Martin Witte (2003). "Moving the Partnership Agenda to the Next Stage: Key Challenges." Progress or Peril? Partnerships and Networks in Global Environmental Governance. The Post-Johannesburg Agenda. Eds. Witte, Jan Martin, Charlotte Streck and Thornsten Benner. Washington, DC/Berlin, Global Public Policy Institute: 85-89.
Ivanova, Maria (2003). "Partnerships, International Organizations, and Global Environmental Governance." Progress or Peril? Partnerships and Networks in Global Environmental Governance. The Post-Johannesburg Agenda. Eds. Witte, Jan Martin, Charlotte Streck and Thornsten Benner. Washington, DC/Berlin, Global Public Policy Institute: 9-36.
Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova (2003). "Toward a Global Environmental Mechanism." Worlds Apart: Globalization and the Environment. Ed. Speth, James Gustave. Washington, DC, Island Press: 67-82.
Figueres, Christiana and Maria Ivanova (2002). "Climate Change: National Interests or a Global Regime?" Global Environmental Governance: Options & Opportunities. Eds. Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova. New Haven, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies: 205-224.
Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova (2002). "Revitalizing Global Environmental Governance: A Function-Driven Approach." Global Environmental Governance: Options & Opportunities. Eds. Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova. New Haven, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies: 181-204.
Ivanova, Maria (2002). "Environmental Crime and Punishment in the Russian Federation: Law as Reason for Breach." Global Environmental Change and the Nation State: Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Eds. Biermann, Frank, Rainer Brohm and Klaus Dingwerth. Potsdam, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research: 77-86.
Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova (2002). "The Road Ahead: Conclusions and Action Agenda." Global Environmental Governance: Options & Opportunities. Eds. Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova. New Haven, CT, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies: 225-240.
Chi, Samuel, Andrea Cristofani, Maria Ivanova and Lawrence Reisman (2001). "The Power of Trash: Harnessing Electricity, Carbon Dioxide, and Heat from a Landfill’s Methane Gas." Developing Industrial Ecosystems: Approaches, Cases, and Tools. Ed. Chertow, Marian. New Haven, CT, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Bulletin Series: 69-101.
Other Publications
Kaplin, Beth, Maria Ivanova, Laine Munir, Venuste Nsengimana, Julius Nziza, Jessi Flynn, Candace Famiglietti, and Samuel Partey (2021). Biodiversity and Zoonotic Diseases: Lessons for Effective Biodiversity Governance and Resilience to Pandemics in Africa Policy Brief, UNESCO, University of Rwanda and UMass Boston (NAI-2021/PB/1).
Ivanova, Maria and Amy Luers. (2020). “Interconnected world needs ways to turn alarm bells into action.” Research Professional News, 21 May 2020.
Famiglietti, Candace, and Maria Ivanova. (2020). “Python skin jackets and elephant leather boots: How wealthy Western nations help drive the global wildlife trade​". The Conversation.
Famiglietti, Candace, and Maria Ivanova. (2020). “We Must Address Exotic Wildlife Consumption to Avoid the Next Global Pandemic”. New Security Beat.
Ivanova, Maria [coordinating lead authors], Markus Reichstein, Matthias Garschagen, Qian Ye, Kalpana Chaudhari and Sylvia Wood (2020). “A survey of scientists’ perceptions” in Our Future on Earth. Scientific Advisory Committee Member. Future Earth, 2020. Risks Perceptions Report 2020: First Edition. Future Earth.
Ivanova, Maria, Niko Urho and Anna Dubrova. (2019). “International Environmental Governance Workshop: Stockholm+50 and UNEP Governance.” Center for Governance and Sustainability, UMass Boston.
Ivanova, Maria, Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy and Anna Dubrova (2019)."National Implementation of Global Environmental Agreements: Rwanda." Boston, MA, Center for Governance and Sustainability at UMass Boston.
Urho, Niko, Maria Ivanova, Anna Dubrova and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2019). "International Environment Governance: Accomplishments and Way Forward." Copenhagen (Denmark), Nordic Council of Ministers.
Ivanova, Maria (2018). "International Environmental Governance: Implementing Reform", June 20-22, 2017, Glion, Switzerland. Boston, MA, Center for Governance and Sustainability at UMass Boston.
Avery, Susan, and Maria Ivanova (2017). "The UN needs science advice now more than ever." Research Europe (448).
Ivanova, Maria and Natalia Escobar-Pemberthy (2017) "Integrating Development with Environmental Protection" in Sustainable Development Goals - From Promise to Practice. Report of the United Nations Association - UK. p. 40-43
Avery, Susan, Maria Ivanova, and Robert Turner (2016). The Future of Scientific Advice to the United Nations: A Summary Report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations from the Scientific Advisory Board United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Ivanova, Maria (2016). “Global environmental goals: What works, what doesn’t and why?” in Remodelling global cooperation. Global Challenges Foundation.
Baste, Ivar, Maria Ivanova and Bernice Lee [coordinating lead authors]. Satishkumar Belliethathan, Ibrahim Abdel Gelil, Joyeeta Gupta, Peter M. Haas, Zerisenay Habtezion, Achim Halpaap, Jennifer Clare Mohamed-Katerere, Peter King, Marcel Kok, Marcus Lee, and Trista Patterson [lead authors]. Vivien Campal, Bradnee Chambers, Melissa Goodall, Slobodan Milutinovic, and Felix Preston [contributing authors] (2012). "Global Responses." Global Environmental Outlook (GEO)-5. Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme: 465-482.
Baste, Ivar, Nicolai Dronin, Tom Evans, Maxwell Finlayson, Keisha Garcia, Carol Hunsberger, Maria Ivanova, Jill Jaeger, Jennifer Katerere, Peter King, Bernice Lee, Marc Levy, Alexandra Morel, Frank Murray, Amr El-Sammak, Begum Ozynayak, Laszlo Pinter, Walter Rast, and Roy Watkinson [GEO-5 Coordinating Lead Authors] (2012). Global Environmental Outlook 5: Summary for Policy Makers. Nairobi, United Nations Environment Programme.
Ivanova, Maria (2011). "Financing International Environmental Governance: Lessons from the United Nations Environment Programme." UMass Boston Center for Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series (1).
Ivanova, Maria (2009). "Global Environmental Governance in the 21st Century: Way Ahead Wide Open." Report from the Global Environmental Governance Forum, June 28-July 2, 2009, Glion, Switzerland. Boston, MA, Center for Governance and Sustainability at UMass Boston.
Ivanova, Maria (2005). Can the Anchor Hold? Rethinking the United Nations Environment Programme for the 21st Century. New Haven, CT, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
Ivanova, Maria (2005). "Assessing UNEP as Anchor Institution for the Global Environment: Lessons for the UNEO Debate." Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Working Paper Series 5(1).
Ivanova, Maria (2000). "Environmental Regulatory Reform in the NIS: the Case of the Water Sector." CCNM/ENV/EAP 86. Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Ivanova, Maria (2014). "Assessing the outcomes of Rio+20." State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability. Washington DC, Worldwatch Institute: 138-151. [Translated into over 12 different languages, including Arabic, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Finnish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish.]
Ivanova, Maria (2012). "A New Global Architecture for Sustainability Governance." State of the World 2012: Moving toward sustainable prosperity. Washington DC, Worldwatch Institute: 104-117. [Translated into over 12 different languages, including Arabic, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Finnish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish.]
Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova (2005). Governança Ambiental Global: Opções & Oportunidades. São Paulo, Brazil, Editora Senac São Paulo. [Translation of Esty, Daniel and Maria Ivanova, Eds. (2002). Global Environmental Governance: Options & Opportunities. New Haven, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.]
Opinion Pieces
"The first Earth Day was a shot heard around the world," The Conversation, April 16, 2020. Reprinted in:
-----. Boston Globe
-----. The Telegraph
-----. SFGate
-----. New Haven Register
-----. Market Watch
-----. Earth Sky
-----. Wausau Pilot & Review
-----. Herald Net
-----. Yes Magazine​
-----. Houston Chronicle
"Paris Climate Summit: Why More Women Need Seats at the Table," The Conversation, November 20, 2015. Translated into French, “Pourquoi les femmes doivent jouer un plus grand rôle dans les négociations,” November 27, 2015.
-----. CNN Opinion
-----. Earth Sky
-----. Truthout
-----. Business Daily
"COP21 proved the power of peer pressure," Boston Globe, December 15, 2015.
"This Huge Demographic is Being Left Out of Climate Negotiations," Fortune, November 20, 2015